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5.4 years ago
I tried to recalibrate the bases of my complete genome assembly, but it gave the following error:
invalid argument `I`
I used this command:
-gatk BaseRecalibrator \
-I my_reads.bam \
-R reference.fasta \
--known-sites sites_of_variation.vcf \
--known-sites outro / opcional / setOfSitesToMask.vcf \
-O recal_data.table
I wrote:
gatk BaseRecalibrator \I- /home/ims.santos06/bam/SRR062634.bam -- home/ims.santos06/bam/Hg38knownindels.vcf -R \home/ims.santos06/reference/hg38.fa -O /home/ims.santos06/bam/SRR062634recal_data.table
I see two command , what did you wrote in the end ?
what is that
?what was the error message ?
This message appeared:
From what I understand I should add the covariates to the input, but I don't know how.
Could you post the exact command you used. FYI you should use
and notI-
I used this command:
This message Appeared:
manubiomed20 : Please use
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