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5.3 years ago
This was the command I used sudo ./gatk HaplotypeCaller -R /home/arshiya/efs/FastQC/hg38.fa -I /home/arshiya/efs/FastQC/sample_sort_reads.bam -O /home/arshiya/efs/FastQC/sample_haplo.vcf.gz
and the following was the output I got
chr1 7820343 . A AATCCATGAAATGGCATACGATCAACTAATGTGACTGTATAATCTTGTGGTAAAGAAGTAGT 121.84 . AC=2 AF=1.00 AN=2 DP=3 ExcessHet=3.0103 FS=0.000 MLEAC=1 MLEAF=0.500 MQ=48.00 QD=25.36 SOR=2.833 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 1/1:0 3:3:9:135 9 0
chr1 11979551 . TGA T 78.28 . AC=2 AF=1.00 AN=2 DP=2 ExcessHet=3.0103 FS=0.000 MLEAC=1 MLEAF=0.500 MQ=40.00 QD=28.73 SOR=2.303 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 1/1:0 2:2:6:90 6 0
chr1 11979558 . G GCCTCCACAAATTGTTAATCCCGGCATACCATCTTCAATCGCTTC 78.32 . AC=2 AF=1.00 AN=2 DP=2 ExcessHet=3.0103 FS=0.000 MLEAC=1 MLEAF=0.500 MQ=40.00 QD=30.97 SOR=2.303 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 1/1:0 2:2:6:90 6 0
yes I went through the manual and how to apply filter?