I am new to using both rmats as well as the bioconda system. I am curious as to if I put the same input into the line in conda as I would on rmats, i.e.;
I think your question is not directly related to bioinformatics. However, I would try which python . If python is available from your bioconda --> ~/anaconda3/bin/python, then command will run otherwise no. Then you may need to do conda activate
Ok, I am just curious if you have any recommendations to other forums that may be able to help more? Since this isn't directly related to bioinformatics
Assuming that you have installed rmats 4.0.2 using the bioconda channel and using Anaconda2 (as the tool requires python 2.7) the RNASeq-MATS.py script will be available in ~/anaconda2/bin/. Also, the tool is looking for text inputs in -b1 and -b2 as per the tool documentation, not sure if the command-line input will work. So a working command-line will look like the following example.
I think your question is not directly related to bioinformatics. However, I would try
which python
. If python is available from your bioconda -->~/anaconda3/bin/python
, then command will run otherwise no. Then you may need to doconda activate
Ok, I am just curious if you have any recommendations to other forums that may be able to help more? Since this isn't directly related to bioinformatics