Hi all,
I am using tess3r package to plot bar plots of the Q matrix of ancestry coefficients that I got from sNMF analysis.
But I am interested to order the matrix based on counties first and then based on Q, in another word, I want to have the matrix ordered by countires and within the conuty ordered by Q.
For example this is a q matrix, I've added the county for each individuals
1.00E-04 0.75453 1.00E-04 0.24507 1.00E-04 1.00E-04 CM04487 Benin
1.00E-04 0.880116 0.0482435 0.0713402 1.00E-04 1.00E-04 CM04489 Mali
0.0822559 0.805366 0.00713594 1.00E-04 0.0198168 0.0853258 CM04493 Benin
0.967625 1.00E-04 1.00E-04 1.00E-04 1.00E-04 0.0319755 CM06496 Burkina Faso
0.83507 0.0272506 1.00E-04 0.00335877 1.00E-04 0.134121 CM06501 Burkina Faso
0.435478 0.235613 1.00E-04 0.131601 0.0401917 0.157016 CM06505 Guinea
0.302861 0.313093 0.0068676 1.00E-04 0.00161187 0.375466 CM06510 Mali
0.335162 0.365021 0.0119398 0.0315991 0.0107296 0.245548 CM06511 Ghana
0.502391 0.0369072 1.00E-04 0.0648057 0.0577006 0.338095 CM06513 Burkina Faso
1.00E-04 0.734269 0.000945988 0.259324 0.00526157 1.00E-04 CM07885 Guinea
in tess3r package running this part won't give what I want, because it sorts based on Q only.
barplot(Q.matrix, sort.by.Q = FALSE,
border = NA, space = 0,
col.palette = my.palette,
xlab = "Individuals", ylab = "Ancestry coefficients") -> bp
Guid and help is much appriciated.
If you have names for your columns you can do it with those too.
e.g. Q.matrix <- Q.matrix[order(Q.matrix$country,Q.matrix$Q,]
I don't have the q value in my data frame. However, I can calculate the q value and use the code line to sort.
Thank you very much!