After removing an adapter sequence from my fastq file the size is reduced from 20 to 13 gb.
When I try to use bowtie with the cut-adapted fastq-file it gives me these two error messages:
Warning: Skipping read (DJDP4KN1:69:C09JPACXX:8:1106:19662:76992 1:N:0:) because it is less than 4 characters long
Warning: Skipping read (DJDP4KN1:69:C09JPACXX:8:1106:19834:76802 1:N:0:) because it had length 0
Not just once or twice, but seemingly a million times.
I suspect cutadapt snipped the reads so that many of the stubs left are too short.
What should I do?
Can cutadapt be configured to not leave reads that are very short?
Should I just ignore the warnings? Is there a way to turn them off?
Does any of this sound fishy, or as if I have done something wrong?
you just beat me by a couple of secs :)
is the -m from cutadapt setting minimal length before adaptor trimming or after adapter trimming?