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5.3 years ago
my SAM files generated are of 1.1kb each.. also the alignmnt is not done.. what to do??
my SAM files generated are of 1.1kb each.. also the alignmnt is not done.. what to do??
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this was the command used for aligning the adapter trimmed fastq files against human refernce genome. the SRA data here is paired end rna seq data. Command used for adapter trimming is:
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done. but it didnot work. same problem. no alignmnt done.
If it did not work then why did you accept the answer below?
I accepted the answer nd tried.. then saw that i didnt work..
Can show us the file sizes for your original and trimmed data, as well as your genome? One thing I notice is that in your cutadapt command, the quality filter (
-q 30
) is after the input files whereas in the documentation it's typically before.If your trimmed files are suspiciously small I would guess that's the error.
raw data for r1 read is of size 502.3MB and that of r2 is of 498.8MB.. trimmed data for r1 is of 489.6MB and that of r2 is 486.6MB.. moreover, applying
-q 30
before or after made no difference. Size of reference genome is 1.1GB(zipped file) and 4.5GB(when unzipped)As I recall HISAT2 is one of those programs that is sensitive to order of program options and input files. So you may want to pay some attention to that order. Did you generate the indexes yourself and are they known to work?
yeah.. and it did generate the indexes for genome by myself.. nothing was mentioned about the adapteer sequence.. it used AGATCGGAAGA.. for both forward and reverse end reads. should i use AGATCGGAAGAGC as the adapter sequence fr both the end reads??
Specifying an incorrect adapter sequence should have no impact on being able to produce a good SAM file from HISAT2. It sounds like that is where your problem lies. Have you looked at the log file for HISAT2 to see if there are any errors that can be addressed?
initially i had used the command