I'm in a masters program focusing on data mining and high performance computing (I have a computer science background). I'm interested in bioinformatics and particularly in phylogenetics and I was wondering if there are any algorithms or applications that bioinformaticians would benefit from being parallelized?
For example, I understand MrBayes splits MCMC chains using MPI, but also know that it only does Bayesian inference and not Maximum Likelihood. Are there holes in parallelized toolsets which I could potentially try to fill?
Sorry if this post sounds ignorant. I'm only beginning to learn about bioinformatics and I'm exploring potential thesis topics. All comments are welcome!
CopyCat (http://ab.inf.uni-tuebingen.de/software/copycat/) v1.14 wraps around AxParafit & AxPcoords which are parallelized co-phylogenetics tools (http://sco.h-its.org/exelixis/software.html)