I was trying to run an analysis:
plink --bfile my.samples --tdt
but get the following error:
Error: --tdt requires a case/control phenotype.
The corresponding family file seems to be okay (i.e. case/control status looks ok):
MJ19 ID55 ID57 ID56 2 2
MJ19 ID56 0 0 2 1
MJ19 ID57 0 0 1 1
MJ23 ID67 ID69 ID68 1 2
MJ23 ID68 0 0 2 1
MJ23 ID69 0 0 1 1
plink version: PLINK v1.90b6.10 64-bit (17 Jun 2019)
Is there anything else that I need to set?
EDIT: I made the bed (from ped) file with the following command:
plink --file my.samples --make-bed --out my.samples --missing-genotype N
I just noticed that the log file has:
8973 variants and 316 people pass filters and QC.
Phenotype data is quantitative.
Shouldn't this be affectation status and not quantitative?
Ah, my mistake!! Thanks, that worked!