Hello. The output of DMRcate is the genomic coordinates of regions identified as differentially methylated. DMRcate also tells how many CpG sites are in each DMR. The output looks something like this:
coord no.cpgs minfdr Stouffer maxbetafc meanbetafc
39721 chr7:96641456-96657023 86 1.786098e-195 0 0.5638876 0.2507447
11267 chr12:115130855-115136308 71 0.000000e+00 0 0.5665583 0.3240000
29891 chr3:62353312-62365402 62 5.477056e-142 0 0.5326552 0.3088480
30739 chr3:147122315-147131860 62 0.000000e+00 0 0.5841839 0.3162800
6859 chr10:134594987-134602530 60 0.000000e+00 0 0.6188469 0.3357113
41367 chr8:25897201-25909599 57 3.400620e-184 0 0.5738376 0.3226581
The coord column gives the chromosomal coordinates of the differentially methylated region and the no.cpgs column gives the number of CpG sites that constitute this region. I would like to know the ID (e.g. cg08899471) of the CpG sites within these regions. How can I get this information?
Thank you
Can you elaborate on what you mean by identity? You can identify genes in the vicinity or overlap with a CpG island etc.
Hello. I have updated my question with some more details.
I have the same problem right now, did you ever find a solution?
Thanks, Alex