Hi all!
I am having trouble with Gvis library and plotTracks function. Here is my code:
ideogram <- IdeogramTrack(chromosome = "chr4",genome="hg38")
axis <- GenomeAxisTrack()
plotTracks(list(ideogram, axis),from=189233986,to=189234447)
Unfortunately, it is not plotting anything. Do you have any idea why?
My second question include custom genome. If new genome is not available through UCSC (or is modified), how can I use it in this example? When I use my custom hg38_clean.fa file I have an error:
ideogram <- IdeogramTrack(chromosome = "chr4",genome="../hg38_clean.fa")
axis <- GenomeAxisTrack()
plotTracks(list(ideogram, axis),from=189233986,to=189234447)
'hg38_clean.fa' is not a valid UCSC genome.
Many thanks for any suggestions,
Best, Agata
I am also running R version 3.6.0 and Gviz 1.28.0, so I don't know why this is not working for me... For second question, thank you for tips! I will dig a little more. Best, Agata