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5.4 years ago
How to get reference and alternate allele count from BAM file at a given chromosomal position?
How to get reference and alternate allele count from BAM file at a given chromosomal position?
It is one line in glactools:
glactools bam2acf [reference].fa [iinput].bam sampleid | glactools view - |cut -f 1-3,6
In the last column, the format is REF,ALT:cpg
Be aware that it filters out reads marked as QC failed and PCR duplicates.
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I dont have VCF file have only .bam file and in that file chromosomal position is specified EX: chr12:6789007
If you have reference genome, generate a VCF file from your positions of interest or call SNPs from your bam file and then calculate allele counts.