I'm trying to blast using the command line blast+ package from the NCBI. Blasting for a short peptide using the task option "blastp-short":
blastp -task blastp-short -out test.html -query test.fasta -db nr -remote
gives me the following error:
Error: NCBI C++ Exception:
T0 "/home/clausimu/Downloads/ncbi-blast-2.9.0+-src/c++/src/objects/seq/../seqalign/Score_.cpp", line 90: Error: CScore::C_Value::GetInt(): Invalid choice selection: NCBI-Seqalign::Score.value.real
Anybody have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: I believe this might be related to the specific matrix that is used. blastp-short uses PAM30 by default, instead of BLOSUM62. If I blast using blastp without the "blastp-short" task, but using the "-matrix PAM30" option, I get the same error. If I don't use this option, blast runs fine (but won't find any hits, because this matrix is critical for short peptide searches).
suggests maybe you should add an-evalue 1E-3
or something?As an aside, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3848038/ is a good article on matrices for short queries.
Could you direct me towards a solution for this error please? I'm receiving the same trying to do a blastn search ----- "blastn -db nt -query testseq.fasta -out ../blasted/testseq.out -remote"
I dont know enough about blast or matrices to interpret your edit, sorry