We have data from the MiSeq and HiSeq machine and transferred to fastq file. We need to find SNP position and faced one issue with mapping quality.
We realized that "GATK4" HaplotypeCaller tool trimmed that multi mapping reads.
We want to use those sequences also.
Mapping quality is not actually equal to Zero. It is 19 but still "GATK4" trimmed that sequence.
Also in the sequence-tagged in the samfile It shows below. XA:Z:chr16,-55769830,203M,3;
So It looks like although mapping quality 19, It is not enough to score to find the snp position.
Does someone know how to handle in this scenario?
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much! There are two base mismatches and I think It should be able to handle by those two positions. I will go back to check mapping quality and other options.. I used GATK4 and I cannot adjust default Mapping quality read filter value.