Hello Biostar,
I'm trying to use minimap2 within a python script using it's python binding mappy ( https://github.com/lh3/minimap2/tree/master/python ).
A bit of context first, my ultimate goal with this script is to split a fastq into 4 files by Nanopore quality range (0-4 ,4-8, 8-12, 12+) and to align those sub-fastq to a reference and produce a bam file on each. Then work on those bam with samtools to calculate the error rate depending of each. I want to be able to compare raw Nanopore reads error rate accross different quality categories, and compare on different sequencing experiment depending on the basecallers used (flip-flop versus non flip-flop).
I've got the first part to split into sub-fastq. Now I'm trying to use mappy to produce a BAM output file. But from what I can see from the help, I feel like mappy was more designed to work on the alignement result "on the go" rather than producing a big output file.
This is the line (from usage example) that make me think of this :
for name, seq, qual in mp.fastx_read("test/MT-orang.fa"): # read a fasta/q sequence
for hit in a.map(seq): # traverse alignments
print("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format(hit.ctg, hit.r_st, hit.r_en, hit.cigar_str))
I can't find an example on how to just print the alignment result into a file...
Anyone can give me advices on this ?
Thank you !