I am trying to analysis SNP6.0 copy number data. For this purpose I am using the crlmm package in R. The first steps look like;
cnSet <- constructAffyCNSet(sinfo$celFiles, batch=rep(1, nrow(sinfo)),cdfName="genomewidesnp6",
All the lines pass properly except the genotypeAffy function that returns:
Error in crlmmGT2(A = A(cnSet), B = B(cnSet), SNR = cnSet$SNR, mixtureParams = cnSet@mixtureParams, : No arrays above quality threshold!
Do you have any idea, how can I resolve this issue?
Hi, thank you. There are 11 samples.
That is a low number. Take a look at the parameters that can be passed to the function.
Thank you. I checked these parameters. Now I increased the number of samples to 80 and I get just a warning:
is it still a problem?
Yes and no... the issue is now the parameter
. I would reduce that progressively until the warning diappears; however, if you get below, e.g., 500, then start to worry...