Hi guys, I am trying to learn and analyze my RNA-seq data. I have no prior experience in r or python but with the help of online materials, I did manage to learn the basics ( I hope so). Cutting to the chase, I am analyzing RNA-seq data from two samples: 2MO (replicate 1 and replicate 2) and 8MO (replicate1). I have got the reads counts (please click the link below) using this pipeline: Fastq-->Trimgalore->STARaligner-->featureCounts.
Both replicates of 2MO have 5 samples: 2N,4N,8N, TH, and LT while the only replicate of 8MO have also these 5 samples: 2N,4N,8N,TH, and LT
I am trying to find the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between each sample of 2MO and 8MO. For example DEGs between 2N of 2MO rep1 and 2N of 8MO rep1 etc. My scripts are as below: https://ibb.co/vqPR3VS
I don't see many DEGs here. Also, I don't understand whether positive LOGFC (log fold change) values belongs to 2MO_R1 or 8MO_R1 in my last part of the analysis: 2N_R1_2MO_vs_2N_R1_8MO (DEG calculation)
Looking forward to your help and suggestions regards, Ankur
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Thank you so much @genomax
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