Hi everyone. I am working on some RNA-seq data. I am interested in finding what are the read counts within an intron for my interest of genes. I have a bam file to start with in which 3rd column of the bam file is basically represented as chromosome1 , chromosome2 and chromosome3. So suppose i have some of my genes of interest on chromosome1 , some on chromosome2 and some on chromosome3, how can I find the number of read counts within the introns of those genes.
Again all i have is a BAM file. Any command line code or anything would be helpful
Thanks in advance
look in PomBase
Hi RM Thank you for your reply. Since i am new to bedtools, i guess i have to make this introns.bed file i guess. So can you tell me how much columns is necessary in creating an introns.bed file. Is BED3 format ok where we have name in column1 and then start and end coordinates of intronic region. Regards
you can download the intron information in a bed format from ucsc http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?command=start#Help
bed format: http://uswest.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/bed.html or http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1
Hey RM
Thanks for the help, but since i am working on S.pombe genome it is not their in UCSC