I'm analyzing RNA-seq data.
My pipeline of RNA-seq was as below. (1) Trimmomatic exclude adapter sequences and low-quality bases from my fastq files. (2) Tophat2 mapped my reads to the reference sequence (hg19).
Trimmomatic didn't remove poly-A sequence from my fastq files.
I would like to know how to trim poly-sequence before or after trimming adapter sequences and low-quality bases by Trimmomatic.
The trimmomatic directory should contain fasta files with the adapter sequences to be trimmed. From what I understand you can simply add new sequences to these files, in your case polyA and polyT.
Thank you for you comment. I don't know how sequence should be added to the file as the polyA and polyT.
Could you tell me examples of the file?
Open in a text editor and add
I am not familiar with trimmomatic, so I cannot tell where the files are, you will have to find out. This has probably been asked before, check with the search function.
Thank you for your advice.