It's also important to highlight here that, this VCF version, chrom names are different. They are in NCBI format (something like NC_... or NT_...).
Also, I didn't find variants from MT chrom on those VCF files.
If you want this chrom names in UCSC (hg19) format (or other format), maybe you'll need other steps.
You should read this and this
For now, it was the best solution which I found as I need chrom names in UCSC hg19 format.
Hello Sir,
I have downloaded the latest release (dbSNP154,hg38)according to your above mention steps. This dbSNP file doesnot have SAO (ID) in INFO column.
is there any possible way to include this ID in INFO column?
Both versions are available on the FTP site. GCF_000001405.25 is the RefSeq assembly accession corresponding to GRCh37.p13.
RefSNP VCF files for GRC (Genome Reference Consortium) human assembly
37 (GCF_000001405.25) and 38 (GCF_000001405.38). Files are compressed
by bgzip and with the tabix index.
Thank you Shicheng Guo for this information.
It's also important to highlight here that, this VCF version, chrom names are different. They are in NCBI format (something like NC_... or NT_...). Also, I didn't find variants from MT chrom on those VCF files.
If you want this chrom names in UCSC (hg19) format (or other format), maybe you'll need other steps. You should read this and this
For now, it was the best solution which I found as I need chrom names in UCSC hg19 format.
Hope this helps!
Hello Sir, I have downloaded the latest release (dbSNP154,hg38)according to your above mention steps. This dbSNP file doesnot have SAO (ID) in INFO column. is there any possible way to include this ID in INFO column?
Is there a reason to use the "redesign" link rather than just the latest release?