I am trying to analyze some ChIP-Seq Analysis of H3K27ac BED data and cannot for the life of me see anywhere where it lists what the final two columns are. I understand that the first four are: chr, start, stop, name. However, I am really stumped on the final two columns and cannot find anywhere on the GEO Accession viewer where it states the column headers. I am quite new to the BED file format, so I wanted to check if there is a convention I am simply missing. Here is a link to the GEO Accession viewer page: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSM521887
Thanks in advance for any help.
Edit#1 (example lines):
chr1 713462 713661 SOLEXA2_1:1:69:1236:763 -
chr1 713719 713918 SOLEXA2_1:1:16:1735:216 -
chr1 713724 713923 SOLEXA2_1:1:30:1080:1399 -
chr1 713738 713937 SOLEXA2_1:1:70:1407:1946 -
Please show example data from this BED. People might be more helpful if you do not require them to download data first.
Thanks. I have updated the post.