I have Four lanes per sequencing run => 4 fastqs each so for each patient I have 16 Fastq files
I am using STAR for alignment by this code (each lane)
STAR --genomeDir ./hg38_Genome --readFilesIn ./fastq1./fastq2
At the end I would have 4 sam files
Should I merge sam files from each lane or I should merging lane when alignment by STAR?
Any help please?
Thank you
Are you sure they won't be treated as different samples when comma-separated values are used? The manual states that this syntax is for multi-sample alignment.
It won't! I have processed several datasets where one sample comes with multiple .fastq files due to sequencing depth. It's essentially the same as concatenate - I, of course, tested before using. It's important not to put spaces between the files when you're feeding --readFilesIn.
Looks like the STAR manual is wrong, then. It is the second most disappointing manual, right after RSEM.