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5.5 years ago
I am going to analyze proteomics data in Python/Spyder. I did run below scripts in Jupyter and it did work fine. Why don't plots appear in the spyder console? Do these libraries only specific to Jupyter? What should I have to follow to get the scripts in Spyder
structure(list(Protein = structure(3:1, .Label = c("AOX", "Ppt",
"Sdx"), class = "factor"), Peptide = structure(c(2L, 1L, 3L), .Label = c("EIEYPGQVLR",
"GLAEFQQK", "TNTDFLPYNGDGFK"), class = "factor"), location = structure(c(2L,
3L, 1L), .Label = c("Golgi", "Mito", "PEX"), class = "factor"),
WT_0t_1 = c(5204L, 5151L, 1135L), WT_0t_2 = c(2794L, 4256L,
656L), WT_0t_3 = c(1981L, 3270L, 449L), WT_1t_1 = c(4202L,
71366L, 9121L), WT_1t_2 = c(2382L, 44102L, 5389L), WT_1t_3 = c(2190L,
55854L, 6719L), WT_3t_1 = c(2060L, 51214L, 9330L), WT_3t_2 = c(2227L,
52466L, 9325L), WT_3t_3 = c(1829L, 85549L, 10915L), WT_5t_1 = c(1803L,
32629L, 7034L), WT_5t_2 = c(1683L, 38552L, 7947L), WT_5t_3 = c(2501L,
83839L, 10031L), wus2_0t_1 = c(4199L, 1604L, 1L), wus2_0t_2 = c(5443L,
5550L, 831L), wus2_0t_3 = c(5493L, 4509L, 870L), wus2_1t_1 = c(4540L,
18298L, 2863L), wus2_1t_2 = c(3105L, 9892L, 1660L), wus2_1t_3 = c(3801L,
15808L, 2550L), wus2_3t_1 = c(2822L, 51167L, 5752L), wus2_3t_2 = c(2286L,
26685L, 4859L), wus2_3t_3 = c(2596L, 25978L, 4894L), wus2_5t_1 = c(2058L,
22977L, 2619L), wus2_5t_2 = c(2068L, 20512L, 2681L), wus2_5t_3 = c(2309L,
27932L, 5662L), wus5_0t_1 = c(4573L, 2731L, 254L), wus5_0t_2 = c(6558L,
3924L, 0L), wus5_0t_3 = c(6618L, 4635L, 861L), wus5_1t_1 = c(6235L,
30751L, 4703L), wus5_1t_2 = c(2866L, 14198L, 2944L), wus5_1t_3 = c(4997L,
22038L, 3930L), wus5_3t_1 = c(2939L, 26945L, 4571L), wus5_3t_2 = c(4872L,
41267L, 4442L), wus5_3t_3 = c(4129L, 36632L, 6963L), wus5_5t_1 = c(3966L,
58892L, 10088L), wus5_5t_2 = c(2933L, 77223L, 7056L), wus5_5t_3 = c(2799L,
42703L, 8511L), wus7_0t_1 = c(4202L, 6298L, 311L), wus7_0t_2 = c(1871L,
3735L, 413L), wus7_0t_3 = c(2076L, 2092L, 193L), wus7_1t_1 = c(3492L,
19426L, 1586L), wus7_1t_2 = c(2659L, 18379L, 3616L), wus7_1t_3 = c(3097L,
22991L, 1806L), wus7_3t_1 = c(839L, 26725L, 4855L), wus7_3t_2 = c(3309L,
68651L, 7717L), wus7_3t_3 = c(2215L, 28616L, 4207L), wus7_5t_1 = c(776L,
26765L, 6191L), wus7_5t_2 = c(2460L, 105244L, 9085L), wus7_5t_3 = c(2431L,
97977L, 10984L), wus9_0t_1 = c(3152L, 4976L, 682L), wus9_0t_2 = c(3253L,
3826L, 0L), wus9_0t_3 = c(2818L, 5648L, 423L), wus9_1t_1 = c(1024L,
11057L, 2741L), wus9_1t_2 = c(2093L, 17916L, 1855L), wus9_1t_3 = c(1743L,
13561L, 2047L), wus9_3t_1 = c(2406L, 46471L, 6354L), wus9_3t_2 = c(1709L,
41807L, 4243L), wus9_3t_3 = c(2490L, 59844L, 6709L), wus9_5t_1 = c(2084L,
50857L, 8948L), wus9_5t_2 = c(1217L, 33163L, 6777L), wus9_5t_3 = c(1173L,
102291L, 13028L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
I have used below scripts for plotting, which perfectly work in Jupyter.
df.loc[df.location == 'Cytolsol_ribo', 'location'] = 'Cytosol_ribo'
df = df[df.location != 'Median']
df2 = df2.set_index(['location'])
df2 = df2.stack().to_frame()
df2 = df2.reset_index()
df2.columns = ['location', 'exp', 'val']
df2['mutant'], df2['time'], df2['replicate'] = df2.exp.str.split('_').str
df2 = df2.drop('exp', axis=1)
df2 = df2[['location', 'mutant', 'time', 'replicate', 'val']]
box_opts = opts.BoxWhisker(height=400,
g = df2.hvplot.box( y='val', by=['mutant', 'time'], groupby='location')
I do not get the plots in the Spyder console. What may be the reason?
I am not familiar with Spyder. But if the plotting is done by matplotlib under the hood, I guess you may use plt.show() to visualize it. https://matplotlib.org/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.show.html?highlight=show#matplotlib.pyplot.show
Thanks, shoujun. I had a look. it doesn't work, unfortunately.
looks like hvPlot using Bokeh under the hood. You may try something like: bokeh.plotting.show(g)
No luck shoujun, dosn't work
have you installed and imported bokeh?
Yes, But still I do not see plots appearing in the console