I want to draw a Synteny map between a chromosome-level genome (reference) and a draft genome which is not assembled to chromosome level. I already have the output of SatsumaSynteny (satsuma_synteny.refined.out), which has the coordinates of the syntenic blocks, and looks like this:
chrX 5947 6164 chrX 9153 9360 0.626728 +
target start. end. query. start. end. identity. orientation
Unfortunately, I have not been able to use MizBee (http://www.cs.utah.edu/~miriah/mizbee/Overview.html) , which is the recommended browser that interfaces with Satsuma. Is there a way to draw the syntenic map just using the coordinates file using R or Python? Thank you in advance.
I am also unable to use MizBee - have you found a solution to this?
Same here. I just get a blank screen when I try running the executable.. Any luck using circos or other programs?