Hi to all,
Can there be overlaps in a bigWig or bigBed file?
Thanks in advance, Burcak
Hi to all,
Can there be overlaps in a bigWig or bigBed file?
Thanks in advance, Burcak
A BigBed file can contain overlapping intervals
You can use Nezar Abdennur's pybbi
library to check this for yourself, for regions of interest:
$ source activate some_environment
(some_environment) $ pip install pybbi
(some_environment) $ python
Then look for overlaps at a position (or a range):
>>> import bbi
>>> bbi.fetch("measures.optimal.noDupes.LRcheck.bed9.bigBed", "chr3", 25431691, 25431692)
This tells you that there are eight overlapping elements in the specified bigBed file at the single-base position chr3:25431691-25431692. (Because it is single-base, those eight elements must necessarily overlap.)
If you want to know what they are:
>>> list(bbi.fetch_intervals("measures.optimal.noDupes.LRcheck.bed9.bigBed", "chr3", 25431691, 25431692))
[('chr3', 25431673, 25431733, '0.636|TGTGACAACTTCTTGGCCTTTTTCCCTGTCTTTTCTCCCTACTCAACACATCAAAAGGAA', '0', '+', '25431673', '25431733', '254,218,121'), ('chr3', 25431675, 25431735, '0.705|TGACAACTTCTTGGCCTTTTTCCCTGTCTTTTCTCCCTACTCAACACATCAAAAGGAAAA', '0', '+', '25431675', '25431735', '253,175,74'), ('chr3', 25431682, 25431742, '0.864|TTCTTGGCCTTTTTCCCTGTCTTTTCTCCCTACTCAACACATCAAAAGGAAAAAGAAAAA', '0', '+', '25431682', '25431742', '233,39,31'), ('chr3', 25431683, 25431742, '0.864|TCTTGGCCTTTTTCCCTGTCTTTTCTCCCTACTCAACACATCAAAAGGAAAAAGAAAAA', '0', '+', '25431683', '25431742', '233,39,31'), ('chr3', 25431683, 25431743, '0.864|TCTTGGCCTTTTTCCCTGTCTTTTCTCCCTACTCAACACATCAAAAGGAAAAAGAAAAAA', '0', '+', '25431683', '25431743', '233,39,31'), ('chr3', 25431685, 25431744, '0.886|TTGGCCTTTTTCCCTGTCTTTTCTCCCTACTCAACACATCAAAAGGAAAAAGAAAAAAA', '0', '+', '25431685', '25431744', '222,22,29'), ('chr3', 25431686, 25431744, '0.905|TGGCCTTTTTCCCTGTCTTTTCTCCCTACTCAACACATCAAAAGGAAAAAGAAAAAAA', '0', '+', '25431686', '25431744', '210,14,32'), ('chr3', 25431691, 25431744, '0.974|TTTTTCCCTGTCTTTTCTCCCTACTCAACACATCAAAAGGAAAAAGAAAAAAA', '0', '+', '25431691', '25431744', '152,0,38')]
All you have to do is iterate over a list of single-base positions over your genome of interest (or some sensible subset) to determine where bbi.fetch
returns a positive integer greater than one.
If you fetch over a range wider than a single base than you may need to do operations to check for overlaps within tuples.
BigBed files contain genomic intervals, so it is possible for them to contain overlaps within a file. BigWigs are continuous signal, so you might need to fetch intervals from multiple bigWigs to see if they intersect.
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Thanks for the paper for reference. For BigBed files, it writes that it can contain overlapping intervals. Is there such an information for BigWig files? I could not see in that paper.
Thanks again.
You can use
to check both bigWig and bigBed files for overlapping intervals. See my answer for more details, or take a look at the documentation. You could use this library to fetch intervals from multiple bigWig files and intersect their tuples.