I have been given a bunch of tumour and normal samples (fastq)
By googling I think I should do as below
Alignment by STAR
STAR --genomeDir ./STAR_hg38_Genome --readFilesIn $fastq1 $fastq2
java -Xmx4g -jar ./picard.jar SortSam I=Aligned.out.sam O=aligned.sorted.bam SO=queryname
Bam 2 Sam
samtools view -h -o aligned.sam ligned.sorted.bam
htseq-count --stranded=no -q aligned.sam ./gtf > counts.txt
Please some body inspect my workflow and kindly tell me if I am doing something useless or I can improve my results by changing some steps and tools
Thank you for any help
Hi, in case you data is still unprocessed, I would trim the reads for adapter seqeunces and low-quality-called bases using for example the tool trimmomatic.