I have a bam file generated from analysis of nanopore data. I also have another file which includes the read IDs and the position of cytosine bases that predicted to be methylated. Now, I want to find the position of that methylated cytosines in the reference genome.
Let say I have a read name @adads-asdasd-asdasd, and I have the position based methylated index bases file like this:
@adads-asdasd-asdasd 2345
@adads-asdasd-asdasd 5676
@adads-asdasd-asdasd 8978
@adads-asdasd-asdasd 9878
The numbers represent the position of predicted methylated cytosines in the read. Now I want to find the position of these bases in the reference genome.
I now that I can get the start and end position of a read in the genome from a bam file using bamtobed and generating a bed file. But this utility accounts for CIGAR string and the start and end is not equal to the length of the read. Therefore I cannot just sum the index number of the base with the start position.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Vahid.
Thank you, @Pierre Lindenbaum. It seems this tool can satisfy my need. Many Thanks, Vahid.
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Hi @Pierre Lindenbaum,
I had a question regarding this software. Does it consider the + or - strand? and if I want to combine the extracted results of this software with a bed file which has positions based on + and - strand, how can I do that?
I would be grateful if you could instruct me with this matter.
filter the sam input using 'samtools view -f/-F' or use the sam flag in the sam2tsv output.