This is an example output from bbmap's tool using the following command: in1=input_R1.fq in2=input_R2.fq qhist=quality.txt
I've looked on the website and search biostars and seqanswers to try to understand what the column labels mean, with no luck.
#BaseNum Read1_linear Read1_log Read2_linear Read2_log
1 32.865 30.412 31.434 26.777
2 33.103 31.069 32.048 28.311
3 33.179 31.130 32.239 28.550
4 33.289 31.558 32.392 28.750
5 33.148 30.809 32.322 28.518
What is the meaning of Read1_linear and Read1_log? How are they calculated?
Can you post the entire command? What were you trying to do?