Hi All,
I'm currently working with a bunch of bed files containing specific regions of the human genome.
I wish to annotate the regions with genes, and especially genes related to man. However, to do this, I need a bedfile with the coordinates for each gene and a proper naming for that gene in order to perform bedtools intersect.
I know i gain the identification of the different genes on the http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables, but do any of you guys know a proper database containing the disease-related genes with their corresponding coordinates?
Thanks for your time
I have some different scripts for annotating .bed files listed here: https://github.com/stevekm/annotate-peaks These should include instructions on how to get the required reference data. However these days, I tend to prefer using VEP if possible. The official docs have plenty of instructions though I also have an example workflow here; https://github.com/stevekm/vep-annotation-nf . Also I have some scripts here that build some reference files which might be useful; https://github.com/stevekm/reference-annotations