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5.2 years ago
I'm trying to construct an IGV track that lets me visualise genome wide RNA expression level but i'm running into some problems trying to bin the data. This is what i did:
- made a .bed file using
bedtools makewindow
with chrom.sizes as input - generated a bedgraph with
bedtools genomecov
- converted the bedgraph into bigwig with bedGraphToBigWig
- tried to run bigWigAverageOverBed with the bed and bigwig file
then i got this error :
file genome250bp.bed doesn't appear to be in bed format. At least 4 fields required, got 3
which is rather strange, since the documentations for bed format only mentions the 1st 3 columns being required. Col 1 is my chromosome, col 2 and col 3 are are the start and end of each bin.
Thanks in advance
BED has a minimum of 3 columns, which does not a tool can ask for more.
wold be a name field. Can be anything, likechr_start_end