I used macs2 to call peaks for atac-seq data. now my goal is to split the peaks into 50 bp windows with 25 bp steps and then calculate the Tn5 integration frequency in each window.
How should I proceed with that?
I used macs2 to call peaks for atac-seq data. now my goal is to split the peaks into 50 bp windows with 25 bp steps and then calculate the Tn5 integration frequency in each window.
How should I proceed with that?
Hello, you can use bedtools makewindows -b <your narrowpeak files from macs2> -w 50 -s 25 > <output file>
this will give you the sliding windows you want.
The Tn5 integration frequency is unclear, because you should have the fragments generated by the transposase "cutting" the genome, so I think you need 2 transposase reactions to generate one fragment. Could you elaborate on what you need?
Best, Dan
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Edit 26/9/19: Cross-posted => https://bioinformatics.stackexchange.com/questions/9365/atac-seq-macs2-peak-splitting-in-sliding-windows