Not before April 22, 2020
The annotation topic ‘Interaction’ provides information about binary protein-protein interactions. This data is curated in the IntAct database and a quality-filtered subset is imported into UniProtKB at each release.
In the context of improving the functional annotation of different gene products in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, we are going to import more detailed data from IntAct. Our current representation of a binary protein-protein interaction provides details only for the protein that is described in another entry. This leaves ambiguity in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries that describe more than one protein (isoforms or/and products of proteolytic cleavage). To address this we are going to describe both interacting proteins by unique UniProtKB identifiers.
This change will affect the three main UniProtKB distribution formats (text, XML, RDF).
Please contact the UniProt helpdesk if you have any questions about this change.