We are trying to create a database using local-blast makeblastdb command from fasta file containing 190000 lines (95000 fasta input). when we try to run blastp using this reference we got no match found for sequence even though the sequence is present in the reference. To troubleshoot we took parts of reference and its matching to the reference size upto 1000. how to increase blastp search reference size?
What are the exact commands used for makeblastdb and blastp? If a sequence is present exactly, it should definitely be found with an e-value close to 0, unless it is too short, the db too big, the e-value cutoff is too conservative or something else went wrong (there are a quite a few different things to mess up). In this case, I suspect that you are using a very short query and therefore the search yields significant hits only with a small DB.
Yes, we are using very short query the command for creation of the database is :
and blastp command is:
The query length is five amino acids
-titile "test"
should be-title "test"
Just in case you might have overlooked the error message, you didn't get your database rebuilt.