Could anybody point towards the direction in how to generate a “consensus” fasta sequence file including indels from a BAM file? Thanks
Could anybody point towards the direction in how to generate a “consensus” fasta sequence file including indels from a BAM file? Thanks
samtools mpileup -uf ref.fa aln.bam | bcftools view -cg - | vcf2fq > cns.fq
seqtk fq2fa cns.fq >cns.fa
seqtk was released in the latest samtools verion.
The GATK package has a utility called AlternateReferenceMaker to do this.
bcftools view -cg is now deprecated (version 1.1). bcftools call -vm should be used instead.
samtools mpileup -uf hg19.fa in.bam \ | bcftools call -vm -Oz - > out.vcf.gz tabix -p vcf out.vcf.gz
bcftools consensus seems to be deprecated too (version 1.1). vcf-consensus may be used as an alternative:
samtools faidx hg19.fa chr22:29000000-29200000 \ | vcf-consensus out.vcf.gz \ | bgzip > out.fasta.gz
chr22:29000000-29200000 may be changed for any other region/s of interest
Coming in 4 year later, I've tried these lines of code for my single-end BAM file but the consensus sequence fills in gaps with bases from the reference.fasta file. Is there a way to just get a consensus of the BAM file or even the mpileup file to also keep gaps where there was no depth of coverage against the reference.fasta?
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I am fairly sure that this method will only include SNVs, but not INDELs. Please correct me if I'm wrong!