There are several pipelines for detection of ARGs using assembled contigs but I was wondering if anyone has had any luck performing ARG detection using raw reads? There's GROOT, which is quite new, so I'm not sure performance.
There are several pipelines for detection of ARGs using assembled contigs but I was wondering if anyone has had any luck performing ARG detection using raw reads? There's GROOT, which is quite new, so I'm not sure performance.
raw reads... Just BLAST?
If it are to much reads you could dereplicate first or/and set some quality tresholds.
yes that is true but it depends a lot on your reference database. Blasting against genbank is impossible these days with that amount of reads. So a few options that I can think of:
Or let go the raw reads part and do an assembly and gene prediction
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have you tried ariba tool? or this tool
I know baout Ariba but the analysis requires assembly. fARGene I don't know about - I'll check it out, thanks!
as per their methodology they are simply converting fastq reads into Fasta using seqtk and then continuing with fasta reads.
I looked in Ariba more and the authors say it's not suitable for metagenomic samples