Hello everyone !!
I'm new in the analyse of NGS data and I have ATAC-seq datas. I would like to know what is the strategies used to obtain a list with the expressed genes from the .bed files that we have after the peak calling ?
I performed peak calling with macs2 and I obtained bed files (narrowPeak) which contain the list of positions in genome where the chromatin is open. I would like to know how to obtain (from these bed files) the list of the genes which are in these regions because these should be the genes that will be expressed in my cells as the chromatin is open so we can have potentially TF binding in these regions. Then, I have to compare 2 conditions (healthy people and patient) so I have to compare 2 lists of genes that I will obtain. Is there a tool to do that ?
Thank you in advance for your help !!
Can you tell us which genome assembly you aligned your NGS data to?
I used the human genome, hg19 version
I tried to load required packages but it doesn't work...
I have the following error message :"installation path not writeable, unable to update packages: MASS, survival" for the loading of bioclite() and then I have this "installation of package ‘TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene’ had non-zero exit status"
I would try to do this with R but I'm not very familiar with it...
Little help please ???
Thanks in advance ;-)
Follow these directions to set a local storage path (adjust file paths as needed for your local environment) for your R packages.
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I would like to do the exact same analysis with my ATAC-Seq data from zebrafish. I used DanRer10 for alignment. Can you help me with this?
Please do not use the answer field for questions. What is unclear, there is an accepted answer?
My ATAC Seq libraries are aligned to danRer 10
How about searching the BIoC packages: https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.9/data/annotation/ Sure you will find the one for for species.