When I see High profile journals, some of them ran FastQC, TrimGalore , Trinity for pre-processing fastq files of RNA seq reads, some of them didn't.
Is it really necessary to do preprocessing (or) we can use raw fastq files in RSEM?
Thank you in advance
I ran into a similar problem a few weeks ago. I tried an experiment where I picked a few FASTQ pairs with moderately high adapter content and ran them through my pipeline that involves RSEM+STAR both before and after adapter trimming, then evaluated the results using DESeq2. The results were not statistically significant at all. However, my pipeline does have a k-mer - based host/graft read separation algorithm before RSEM, so the results may not be 100% indicative of just RSEM/STAR's compensation techniques.
It really depends on the dataset. I have experimented with read trimming before STAR. Most of the time, the impact is very minor, but I have also seen instances where gene counts are substantially different.