Hello everyone,
I am trying to do assembly and annotation for oxford nanopore data, bacterial genome (have multiple .fast5 and fastq files with me). For this, I am referring to this link: https://angus.readthedocs.io/en/2017/analyzing_nanopore_data.html
So, according to steps given I am trying to convert multiple .fast5 files into a .fastq file. I tried,
1. poretools fastq $directory > data.fastq
2. poretools fastq ./*.fast5 > data.fastq
(from usage examples for poretools: https://poretools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/examples.html)
but, this gives me an empty .fastq file. So I tried test data given on the link that I am referring to as input to poretools, it works well. I am not getting that, why any command for poretools is not working for my data, also it doesn't give any error. I also have multiple .fastq files with me, but not sure how to proceed for assembly and annotation.
Can anyone please help?
Thank you!
Do you know if these files are from
caller (if the data is recent that is likely true)? If so you could proceed with assembly.