I don't understand the results returned by dbSNP. I have read their user manual and whilst it explains some things very well, it seems very sparse in other areas. I was hoping that if I took a sample record in dbSNP and pointed out some things I don't understand I was hoping the helpful people in this forum might explain them to me.
I was looking at this record: rs2034920
This maps to genome build GRCH37. It has the allele C/T
The reference sequence has base A at this position on the positive strand. Where in the record does it tell me that this SNP is described wrt the negative strand? I can't see it anywhere.
There is a table listing the SNP in different assemblies and there is a column called SNP to Chr which has values +/-. What does this column and its values mean? There are similar columns like 'SNP to mRNA'
If i get the full details for the record and look at the submission ss2944057 this is described as having orient positive but the allele on the webpage is C/T (reverse strand). Also the submission ss8529251 is described as orient negative but the allele on the webpage is A/G (forward strand). I don't understand this?
I also don't understand the column ss to 'rs Orientation/Strand' for each submission. I have read the link from the column heading but don't really follow it.
So many other things i don't understand too. Geneview only lists one gene whereas the snp affects 3 genes.
I could list so many more.....I can open a second question about how to interpret the results returned from eutils!
thanks a lot for your help
i can see i caused confusion in my question, the geneview shows 3 transcripts of one gene. If you look at the flat file output (my mistake - didn't specify) the snp affects 3 different genes whereas it only shows information about one of them in geneview (and it shows 3 transcripts of this gene)
i wasn't clear. sorry. in the flat file report 3 genes are affected by this snp: locus ids = 100133581m 441521, 541625. But on the web page the geneview only shows one of these genes (and yes it shows 3 transcripts [though 2 are the same if i remember rightly])
i will read the docs you recommend. However in the meantime, do you know if there is a field in the flat file output which specifies which strand the snp is on? Is it the orient field in the CTG row?
As Larry says below, strand can be relative to different things; you just have to pick one and stick with it. If you choose relative to chromosome, then it's the "SNP to Chr" column.