hy... I have got the results of zScoreFDR in R using genemeta package for getting the combined differential expression of different datasets. its giving the significance in FDR. How can I get a p-value in this function? or how can I convert these FDR values to p-vlaue
R code:
zSco_Ex_1 FDR_Ex_1 zSco_Ex_2 FDR_Ex_2 zSco_Ex_3 FDR_Ex_3 zSco_Ex_4
1007_s_at 0.2870941 0.9253510 1.3742436 0.5066022 2.2165805 0.2224656 1.3288908
1053_at 0.2999103 0.9215155 -0.6120074 0.7908496 0.6570196 0.7748797 0.1895178
117_at 2.9117973 0.2672966 1.5257332 0.4583429 1.7730910 0.3455320 2.8244912
121_at 2.0622951 0.4209762 1.4720011 0.4752624 1.6188194 0.3984726 0.7143212
1255_g_at -1.0345133 0.6860829 -1.3172784 0.5283582 -1.4167875 0.4666103 -2.2125113
1294_at 1.2080791 0.6323945 1.4205655 0.4919560 1.5223043 0.4302672 1.1922492
FDR_Ex_4 zSco_Ex_5 FDR_Ex_5 zSco **FDR** MUvals MUsds
1007_s_at 0.4807693 1.85341722 0.2189935 3.2516221 **5.647721e-03** 0.6173539 0.1898603
1053_at 0.9462421 0.51781259 0.8068979 0.5612132 **6.614696e-01** 0.1041896 0.1856507
117_at 0.1057010 2.03407014 0.1645560 4.7996284 **2.293578e-05** 0.9399473 0.1958375
121_at 0.7499695 -0.09399260 0.9679531 2.3619162 **4.847292e-02** 0.4464017 0.1889998
1255_g_at 0.1950663 0.02755952 0.9901939 -2.4793942 **3.790693e-02** -0.4684170 0.1889240
1294_at 0.5398535 0.11926653 0.9607427 2.3040301 **5.467117e-02** 0.4331837 0.1880113
Qvals df Qpvalues Chisq
1007_s_at 1.5122570 4 0.8244681 1.147485e-03
1053_at 0.8852606 4 0.9266658 5.746522e-01
117_at 3.0290360 4 0.5529781 1.589603e-06
121_at 3.9808656 4 0.4086016 1.818075e-02
1255_g_at 3.5612972 4 0.4686194 1.316058e-02
1294_at 1.9219998 4 0.7501025 2.122096e-02