I've performed variant calling with two callers. One calls haplotypes and other calls mutations as single variants. As a result I have two VCF files where sometimes identical variants are written in different forms. For example: One file:
chr1 61987 . AAG GAC
Another file:
chr1 61987 . A G
chr1 61989 . G C
Obviously, mutations in the second file are from single haplotype and in the final VCF file i need only single record as in the first file. I've tried to use bcftools merge to combine VCF files, but I get the following:
chr1 61987 . AAG GAC,GAG
Which will lead to wrong annotation. So is there any software to combine these two VCF files into single one, so all single variants would disappear?
I'd actually recommend
overbcftools norm
, becausevt
leaves a trail so the changes it makes are trackable (it preserves old variant info [chr:pos:ref:alt
] in anINFO