Illumnia Base Space is giving me this error that my FASTQ files have inconsistent header information.
This file contains inconsistent header information. We expected all cluster headers to match '@Sample:116:FlowId:1:1101:19361:1047:N:0:AGTCAACA+TCTTTCCC#0/1'
but we encountered the header '@Sample:116:FlowID:1:1101:23023:1063**:N:0:AGTCAACA+TCTTTCCC#0/1'
at cluster 2.
I edited parts of the header sample names, but as you can see, the header differs at this position: 19361:1047 23023:1063
Are there any tools I can use to fix this header issue?
I think the part that is causing problems may be the asterisks [*] rather than what you indicated. It is normal that headers have different numbering, but asterisks are what to my eye is inconsistent.
The last two numbers in the read name are xy coordinates on the flow cell tile...they absolutely are supposed to be different for every read.