I am trying to get obtain genomic coordinates for a list of proteins from different species of bacteria. I obtained the IDs through HMMer, on Ensembl's website. Here are a few of them and what they look like:
I had previously used the lookup endpoint from Ensembl's REST API without any problems. However, now when I try searching with my code that worked in the past, I get 0 hits. Based on what I've seen online, it looks like the issue may be the fact that these IDs are not in the form of Ensembl stable IDs. However, I haven't found a way to convert these IDs to the Ensembl IDs, and it still doesn't explain why I was able to use the lookup function successfully in the past without the stable IDs.
For context, this is the code I'm running from R, where "accs2" is a vector of the IDs listed above:
server <- "http://rest.ensembl.org"
ext <- "/lookup/id/"
r <- POST(paste(server, ext, sep = ""),
accept("application/json"), body = paste0('{ "ids" :', jsonlite::toJSON(accs2), ' }'))
dbinfo.df<-data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(dbinfo, function(x) x[match(names(dbinfo[[1]]), names(x))])))
Is there something I'm missing here?
I'm looking into this. Two of the IDs you've got are the correct IDs, but something else strange is happening with the endpoints, I tried the get endpoint with the first two IDs like:
And the error is:
I suspect this is related to how the bacterial species are held in collections, but I need to check with our developers. I will get back to you when I know more.
The third ID EQMM11970 is telling me ID not found. We did a release yesterday and it's possible that this species or identifier is no longer in the database.
Good to know it's not just me, thank you! Given that I originally obtained these IDs through HMMer on Ensembl's website, I am going to give it a run once more to see if the IDs I get out of HMMer will be consistent with the latest release. I'll post my update shortly.