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5.4 years ago
I have maf files and I'd like to create a oncoPrint matrix with my own data according to https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/oncoprint.html. However, the input format for oncoPrint is:
## s1 s2 s3
## g1 "snv;indel" "snv" "indel"
## g2 "" "snv;indel" "snv"
## g3 "snv" "" "indel;snv"
The maf file format is:
##Hugo_Symbol Variant_Classification Tumor_Sample_Barcode
##g1 Missense_Mutation s1
##g1 Splice_Site s1
##g2 Missense_Mutation s1
##g2 Missense_Mutation s2
##g2 Frame_Shift_Ins s2
##g3 Missense_Mutation s3
Is there a tool to convert maf to the oncoPrint format?
Many thanks!
Thanks for this - I actually did it - it worked nicely in maftools. However, MAFTOOLS is not able to show genes with more than one variant type (multihit) as half (or proportion) of each variant in the cell (see https://github.com/PoisonAlien/maftools/issues/246). I need a more detailed plot using ComplexHeatmap or other package to show different variants in the same cell. Any recommentation?
Did you found any solution?
Hi there,
Actually I used the [maftools] package. I loaded my maf file using 'read.maf' function and then used the 'oncoplot' function to plot - you can create a OncoPrint matrix by including the 'writeMatrix = TRUE' argument.
Hope it helps!
Thanks for sharing. However, I already did that. Following is the outline of the code
Hi Dear,
Were you able to do that? I wanted to convert my MAF file in Matrix format for Oncoprint as well.
Thanks Najeeb