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5.4 years ago
I would like to put the result of a pipe into a variable instead of a file. But it does not work as intended.
The well working script with the pipe resulting in a file is like that:
for sample in *.csv;
pr -m -t -s\ $sample Ldha.csv | Awk '{print $6"\t"$13}' | sed 's/\./,/g'| cat >Ldha/${input}.tsv
I tried to funnel it into a variable called "input" with these ways:
read input <(pr -m -t -s\ $sample Ets1.csv | Awk '{print $6"\t"$13}' | sed 's/\./,/g')
input=`pr -m -t -s\ $sample Ldha.csv | Awk '{print $6"\t"$13}' | sed 's/\./,/g'`
input=$(pr -m -t -s\ $sample Ets1.csv | Awk '{print $6"\t"$13}' | sed 's/\./,/g')
pr -m -t -s\ $sample Ldha.csv | Awk '{print $6"\t"$13}' | sed 's/\./,/g' | read input
Nothing worked. If i run it with saving to files, it works. But saving well 50 000 files for each run... In the end, it should look like that (using a perl script for pearson correlations from the web):
for sample in *.csv;
input=$(pr -m -t -s\ $sample Ets1.csv | Awk '{print $6"\t"$13}' | sed 's/\./,/g')
perl corr.pl -i $input -col 1 2 | cat >>correl_Ets1.csv
But i fail to get the output from the pipe into a variable. Any ideas?
Best wishes,
Some comments:
echo "$input"
, notAwk
The following simple example shows no problems assigning piped stdout to a bash variable:
Now put the result in a variable:
Dear h.mon,
thank you very much for your reply and the brillant idea with echo $input. Echo input looks good. But now what happens is the following: The perl script is taking the first value of the first file as a filename. Then it takes the first value from the second file as a filename. So, the input is transferred indeed to the variable input. But the filename, which would be taken from $sample is now lost and not fed to the perl script. I am not sure if this can be fixed.... Maybe i need to feed this as an array? But still, how would i pass the filename....
Best regards and thank you very much again,
Without knowing the internals of the perl script, I don't even know if this can be "fixed". But my gut feeling is the perl scripts expects the data to be stored in a file, and
-i something
is interpreted as "read the data from file something" - thus, save the results to a file and subsequently feed this file to the perl script in the same loop.Hi!
Your gut feeling is very reliable. I implemented your suggestion to just open the file. I almost accepted to produce 50k nonsensical files, but then it came to me that i also could delete them in that loop. 😂
So, this thing is now using two files to compute the pearson correlation, using the script from Didier Gonze. http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~dgonze/SCRIPTS/PERL/correlation.pl
Thank you very much for your help! :-)
Best regards,