I am looking for essentially the functionality mentioned here; I want to automatically create snapshots of images of reads within a BAM file at specified loci. I know that IGV can do this, but in my experience the results from scripting IGV for this are lackluster since there can be a lot of variability as far as the number of reads on screen and resolution needed for each variant. I also saw that samtools tview has the same functionality. The answers in that previous question are a bit old now, I was hoping that something new might be available? Maybe a Bioconductor package? My searches so far have not found anything quite like this. My immediate needs are for snapshots / static plots of the reads, but ultimately I think this would be a nice application for something like Plotly to enable interactive browsing as well.
there is script for this here: https://github.com/stevekm/IGV-snapshot-automator
worth noting that these days my preferred solution for this is https://github.com/igvteam/igv-reports