Dear all,
I would like to change gtf file to fasta file. In gffread, if I need only TCONS_00033653 and gene_id "XLOC_028018 ID. what is command I should use?
My gtf file is
v.corymbosum_GDV_reftransV1_0039461 Cufflinks exon 1171 1309 .- . gene_id "XLOC_028018"; transcript_id "TCONS_00033653"; exon_number "2"; oId "CUFF.29927.1"; tss_id "TSS29077";
Actually, I used gffread -w ECvsEL_transcript.fasta -g v.corymbosum_GDV_reftransV1.fasta EC_vs_EL.gtf
But I get only TCONS_00033653 ID
Thank you so much kanjana
If I understand this, are you referring to FASTA file header when you mentioned
Yes I mean head of fasta file because next step I have to joint fasta file with genes.exp.cuffdiff file, so I need the same ID
Could you help how to use command? sorry Im new for this analysis
Thank you so much Kanjana