I am trying to run annovar with cosmic90. When preparing files, I follow the command:
prepare_annovar_user.pl -dbtype cosmic .CosmicMutantExport.tsv -vcf CosmicCodingMuts.vcf > hg38_cosmic90_coding.txt
But it went wrong, with error:COSMIC MutantExport format error: column 17 or 12 should be 'Mutation ID' or 'ID_NCV'
Then I use
sed -i 's/\<MUTATION_ID\>/Mutation ID/g'
to tranfer.
But it still went wrong with the same error.
So I check the 'Mutaion ID''s position, and found:
[1] "1" "Gene name" "Accession Number" "Gene CDS length"
[5] "HGNC ID" "Sample name" "ID_sample" "ID_tumour"
[9] "Primary site" "Site subtype 1" "Site subtype 2" "Site subtype 3"
[13] "Primary histology" "Histology subtype 1" "Histology subtype 2" "Histology subtype 3"
[17] "Genome-wide screen" "GENOMIC_MUTATION_ID" "LEGACY_MUTATION_ID" "Mutation ID"
[21] "Mutation CDS" "Mutation AA" "Mutation Description" "Mutation zygosity"
[25] "LOH" "GRCh" "Mutation genome position" "Mutation strand"
[29] "SNP" "Resistance Mutation" "FATHMM prediction" "FATHMM score"
[33] "Mutation somatic status" "Pubmed_PMID" "ID_STUDY" "Sample Type"
[37] "Tumour origin" "Age"
it is the NO.20
I think I might exchange it with column 17, but I am not sure if it will make annovar went wrong and got bad result.
Please give me some advice! Thank you!
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