Hi all,
I'm looking for at easy-to-use 16s pipeline for teaching purposes. It is much to complicated in this particular wet lab course to do the whole command line story, and it sort of misses out on some teaching points to just hand them the analysed data.
I was looking at the RDP pipeline which i think would do the trick, but do any of you have other suggestions? Ideally somethin that takes a pair of illumina files and eventually returns an abundance table or similar.
I would look at qiime2-dada2. There are several online tutorials that explains step-by-step how to process Illumina libraries and obtain an abundance table: Tutorial 1; Tutorial 2; Tutorial 3. These tutorial returns an abundance table of Amplicon Sequence Variants
An alternative would be the Mothur-MiSeq pipeline; here the sequences are clustered into 97% OTUs
This unfortunately requires command line and a bunch of downloading, which is beyond the scope of the course. I think i will use the galaxy framework.
I completely missed that. Good luck with your course!