I am using the activeperl in my windows. I am trying to repeat a tutorial exercise to make myself confidence that I can do myself after some extra days effort.
cd c:\Perl64\bin\
c:\Perl64\bin perl -conf C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\circos\ circos.2.conf
-outputdir C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\circos\ -outputfile firsttrial.png
perl.exe is under the dictory C:\Perl64\bin. the circos.2.conf file is the directory specified above.
I created "circos.2.conf" by coping the text from the circos website. I just changed " data/6/histogram.txt" to "Users\Owner\Desktop\circos\histogram.txt" to meet my interest and the file is stored in the same folder as circos.2.conf. I am not sure where I need to use "/" or "\" for directory - linux or windows convention.
<<include etc/colors.conf>>
<<include etc/fonts.conf>>
<<include ideogram.2.conf>>
<<include ticks.2.conf>>
karyotype = Users\Owner\Desktop\circos\karyotype.human.txt
dir = /tmp
file = circos-tutorial.png
# radius of inscribed circle in image
radius = 1500p
background = white
angle_offset = -90
chromosomes_units = 1000000
chromosomes_display_default = yes
#chromosomes = hs1;hs2;hs3;hs4;hs5;hs6
file = Users\Owner\Desktop\circos\histogram.txt
type = histogram
r0 = 0.8r
r1 = 0.9r
color = black
fill_under = yes
fill_color = green
thickness = 2
extend_bin = no
axis = yes
axis_color = lgrey
axis_thickness = 2
axis_spacing = 0.1
background = yes
background_color = lgreen
background_stroke_color = black
background_stroke_thickness = 2
file = Users\Owner\Desktop\circos\histogram.txt
type = histogram
r0 = 0.6r
r1 = 0.7r
color = black
fill_under = yes
fill_color = red
thickness = 2
extend_bin = no
axis = yes
axis_color = lgrey
axis_thickness = 2
axis_spacing = 0.1
background = yes
background_color = lred
background_stroke_color = black
background_stroke_thickness = 2
file = Users\Owner\Desktop\circos\histogram.txt
type = histogram
r0 = 0.7r
r1 = 0.8r
color = black
fill_under = yes
fill_color = orange
thickness = 2
extend_bin = no
axis = yes
axis_color = lgrey
axis_thickness = 2
axis_spacing = 0.1
background = yes
background_color = lorange
background_stroke_color = black
background_stroke_thickness = 2
anglestep = 0.5
minslicestep = 10
beziersamples = 40
debug = no
warnings = no
imagemap = no
# don't touch!
units_ok = bupr
units_nounit = n
Thus my directory has following files: conf file, histogram.txt and karyotype.human.
c:\Perl64\bin>perl -conf C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\circos\ circos.2.conf -output
dir C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\circos\ -outputfile firsttrial.png
Unrecognized switch: -onf (-h will show valid options).
What is this message ? I did not get any output to my C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\circos\, am I close ???? sorry for basic question
looks like u simply forgot to load enter the perl script on your command line, and the error means that perl doesn't have the -conf option (I think the perl script is named circos, or circos.pl) : perl circos -conf C:UsersOwnerDesktopcircoscircos.2.conf -output dir C:UsersOwnerDesktopcircos -outputfile firsttrial.png
Why don't you use CIRCOS online http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/tableviewer/
good suggestion, is every type of CIRCOS plot possible online ?? that is my motivation to learn it ...
Paraphrasing from the Circos Table Viewer website: the visualizations shown there are created by the tableviewer utility script, which is included in Circos. The web page provides a limited interface to the tableviewer (and Circos). For full functionality you need to download it and run it locally.
thanks for the suggestions, see my recent edits ...looks like the program is running but there is file deficiency, I do not know where I can find it
I tried to edit the question, but could not so please see the edits as answer ..."ideogram.2.conf" is not available ...i do not know where I can find it