I am just a beginner in the command line and newly introduced to Linux.
I am using software that suggested the following command to convert all the coordinates to plot.
cat <(echo "#CHR SNP BP minLOG10(P) log10(p) r^2") \\ <(paste <(sed '1d' penicillin_SNPs.txt | cut -d "_" -f 2) \\ <(sed '1d' penicillin_SNPs.txt | cut -f 4) | \\ awk '{p = -log($2)/log(10); print "26",".",$1,p,p,"0"}' ) | \\ tr ' ' '\t' > penicillin_snps.plot
Whenever I run this command, I am getting multiple errors
Cat: / dev / FD / 63: no file or directory
Cat: '\': no file or directory
Cat: / dev / FD / 62: no file or directory
Paste: / dev / FD / 62: no file or directory
\: command not found
\: command not found
I don't know the cause of this problem.
Just remove all these
in your command line should fix it.Thanks but removing these \ solved the last two errors but the errors related to cat and paste are still there
Cat: / dev / FD / 63: no file or directory
Cat: / dev / FD / 62: no file or directory
Paste: / dev / FD / 62: no file or directory
how can I solve these?
can you post the output of
head penicillin_SNPs.txt
, so that we can have a look what is in this file?Run the command in the directory where you actually have the files referred by the command?